Dr. Mulye's research lab aims to understand host-pathogen interactions and determine
host cell lipids and the immune system pathways that pathogens manipulate to promote
their survival and infect successfully. Dr. Mulye's lab studies a highly infectious
bacterium, Coxiella burnetii which infects humans via inhalation. Coxiella causes
a disease known as Q fever which can lead to endocarditis several months to years
after initial infection. Dr. Mulye's lab is interested in understanding mechanisms
Coxiella employs to survive long term in the host and identify potential therapeutic
targets to inhibit Coxiella survival and thus prevent endocarditis.
Wilson T, Mulye M, Akbar S (2020), Opportunistic physiology: inserting physiology
and pathophysiology content into virtually delivered clinical rotations, Advances
in Physiology Education, Adv Physiol Educ 44: 545–549, 2020; (PMID: 32880484)
Clemente TM, Mulye M, Justis AV, Nallandhighal S, Tran TM, Gilk SD (2018). Coxiella
burnetii blocks intracellular IL-17 signaling in macrophages, Infection and Immunity,
IAI.00532-18, (PMID: 30061378)
Mulye M, Zapata B, Gilk SD (2018), Altering lipid droplet homeostasis affects Coxiella
burnetii intracellular growth, PLoS One 13(2): e0192215, (PMID: 29390006)
Mulye M, Samanta D, Winfree S, Heinzen R, Gilk SD (2017), Elevated cholesterol in
Coxiella burnetii intracellular niche is bacteriolytic, mBio 8: e02313-16, (PMID:
Mulye M, Bechill MP, Grose W, Ferreira VP, Lafontaine ER, Wooten RM et al., (2014),
Delineating the importance of serum opsonins and the bacterial capsule in affecting
the uptake and killing of Burkholderia pseudomallei by murine neutrophils and macrophages,
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 8(8): e2988. doi:10.1371, (PMID: 25144195)
Book Chapter and Review
Libbing CL, McDevitt AR, Azcueta RP, Ahila A, Mulye M (2019), Lipid droplets: A significant
but understudied contributor of host-bacterial interactions, Cells, 15;8(4). (PMID:
Mulye M, Carrasco S, Simões J (2017), Epidemiology of Q Fever in Africa, In: The Principles
and Practice of Q Fever: The One Health Paradigm, Simões J. ed., Nova Science Publishers
Samanta D, Mulye M, Clemente TM, Justis AV, Gilk SD (2017), Subversion of host cholesterol
by obligate intracellular bacteria, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology
7:165. (PMID: 28529926)
Invited Presentations (Selected)
Altering lipid droplet homeostasis affects Coxiella burnetii intracellular growth,
Indiana Academy of Sciences Annual meeting, Indianapolis, IN (2018)
Altering lipid droplet homeostasis affects Coxiella burnetii intracellular growth,
American Society for Rickettsiology Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI (2018)
Altering lipid droplet homeostasis affects Coxiella burnetii intracellular growth,
Gordon Research Conferences for Molecular and Cellular biology of Lipids, Waterville
Valley, NH (2017)
Maintenance of lipid droplet homeostasis is critical for Coxiella burnetii intracellular
growth, FASEB Lipid Droplets on move from health to disease, Snowmass, CO (2017)