Orthopaedic Surgery | Student Elective Rotation | PCOM GME
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Orthopaedic Surgery 
Student Elective Rotation

The PCOM Orthopedic Surgery Residency Program is currently accepting applications for the 2025-2026 audition season.

Pre-approval required documents
Post-approval required documents
  • If your application is approved, you will receive an email from resortho@pcom.edu with an attached Google Form requesting the below documentation:
  • Copy of health insurance card (front and back)
  • General Liability Insurance and Professional Liability Insurance (minimum of $1 million/$3 million, current at the time of rotation).
  • Letter of good standing (LOGS)
  • PA state criminal background check (within twelve months of the requested rotation dates)
  • PA FBI fingerprinting clearance (within twelve months of the requested rotation dates)
    • We will only accept the fingerprinting certificate from the Department of Human Services, not the CJIS- Criminal Justice Information Services certificate from the Department of Justice.
    • If you are non-PA resident, once you click on the hyperlink of IdentoGO, scroll down to the bottom of the website and click on "Pennsylvania Non-Resident Cardscan Instructions" for further instructions.
    • Please don't send in your actual fingerprint card, it will not be accepted.
    • Service code: 1KG738
  • PA child abuse clearance (within twelve months of the requested rotation dates)
  • Immunization records or documentation of having immunity for the following infectious diseases: Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella (Chicken Pox), Hepatitis B, Tetanus, Diphtheria
  • Copy of COVID vaccination card
  • Proof of 2 Step PPD (tuberculosis) testing or QuantiFERON during the past three months
  • Flu shot verification (within one year of the requested rotation dates)
  • Mask fit test results (within one year of the requested rotation dates)
  • Standard 10 panel drug screening (within twelve months of the requested rotation dates)
  • Proof of Annual Physical

The PCOM Orthopedic Surgery Residency Program is currently accepting applications for the 2025-2026 audition season.

The audition season runs from July through mid January.

February - June *

  • PCOM Students Only
  • Applications **

** Applications for non-audition rotations will be accepted from October through December of each academic year.

* Non-audition season will start in February and end in June of each academic year. Non-audition are for two weeks only.


  • Main Line Health System (Lankenau Medical Center, Paoli Hospital)
  • St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children
  • Abington Memorial Hospital (PCOM students only)

Additional information regarding audition rotation for the residency program and elective rotation:

  • Affiliation agreements are needed for non-PCOM students. Please check with your school to confirm that an agreement between PCOM and your school is in place in order to complete your audition or non-audition request.
  • Due to COVID-19, hospital regulations are constantly changing. Rotation dates may need to be canceled or changed on short notice.
  • Six students per month for in person rotations will be accepted for the upcoming audition/non-audition season.
  • Two week or four week rotations are offered for in-person auditions. Two week rotations are offered for in-person non-auditions.
  • Please note post approval required documents must be submitted six weeks prior to the start of your rotation date or risk the chance of forfeiting the rotation.
  • Audition rotation is highly recommended to be considered for an interview. However, completing an audition doesn’t guarantee an invite for an interview.
  • USMLE is acceptable but not required.
  • Please submit an evaluation to resortho@pcom.edu for completion and indicate where the completed evaluations should be returned.
  • Our program doesn't require the Electronic Standardized Letter of Recommendation (eSLOR).
  • PCOM Orthopedic Surgery Residency Program does not participate in the Universal Interview Offer Day that was established by AOA/CORD.
  • The 2025 interview days are TBD.
  • The PCOM Orthopedic Surgery Residency does not participate in VSLO

Policies have been updated as of February 18, 2025. Please note any of these requirements are subject to change as we are trying to accommodate as best as possible during this time.