Closure, Reduction or Loss of Accreditation | PCOM GME Policies
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Closure, Reduction or Loss of Accreditation

Each of PCOM’s institutions and/or programs must follow the procedures set forth by the GMEC when considering voluntary withdrawal of an accredited program or a significant decrease in the resident complement.

Once reviewed and approved by the GMEC and a formal request has been made to and approved by the accrediting body, all affected resident(s)/fellow(s) must be informed in writing within 30 days by the program director so that meaningful consultation and career planning with each resident/fellow may begin. With regards to such voluntary withdrawal or reduction, or in the event of loss of accreditation of the program or institution, the program/institution must follow the procedures outlined below.

If PCOM institution or the PCOM parent corporation intends to close as a member participating site or reduce/eliminate any programs, it must inform the DIO, and affected programs, residents and fellows as soon as possible. A phase-out plan that allows the currently enrolled trainees to complete their education shall be formulated. If not possible, PCOM will assist the displaced resident(s)/fellow(s) in obtaining alternate training in other accredited residency/fellowship programs.

If a program requests a voluntary withdrawal or the GMEC recommends the voluntary withdrawal of a program, a phase-out plan that allows the currently enrolled trainees to complete their education shall be formulated. If this is not possible, PCOM will assist the displaced resident(s)/fellow(s) in search efforts to obtain alternate training in other accredited residency/fellowship programs. The same pertains to significant program size reduction.

Once the program/institution receives formal notification from the accrediting body, it must inform the DIO, GMEC, and affected program directors, residents, and fellows as soon as possible. No residents may be newly appointed unless the action is appealed. All current residents and applicants (those invited for interviews) to the program must be advised in writing of the programs/institution's status immediately. A phase-out plan must be formulated, as in [institution closure] above. Also, when a Sponsoring Institution or major participating site that is a hospital loses its accreditation, the Sponsoring Institution must notify and provide a plan of response to the ACGME Institutional Review Committee (IRC) within 30 days of such loss. Similarly, when a Sponsoring Institution's or participating site's license is denied, suspended or revoked, the Sponsoring Institution must notify and provide a plan for its response to the IRC within 30 days of such loss or restriction.