How Do I Donate My Body to Science? | Body Donor Program FAQs
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Frequently Asked Questions About How to Donate Your Body to Science

Thank you for considering PCOM Georgia’s body donor program. The staff, faculty, and medical students are grateful for your consideration. Please see the following frequently asked questions for details about our program.

You may register as a body donor by completing our donor documents. You may telephone or write to the program director to obtain donation forms or other information about the program. You must sign the donation form in the presence of two witnesses, who must then countersign the document in your presence. You should also obtain the signatures of your closest family members on the donation form. Although the Georgia Anatomical Gift Act allows individuals to donate their bodies without consent from the next of kin, it is the policy of the College not to accept a donation if the donor’s closest relatives object. If you wish to revoke the donation, you may do so at any time by writing the program director.



Body donors are needed to support programs in medical education and research.

Yes. However, due to the need for special embalming preparation of the body, please discuss your desires in advance with the program director.

No. The College will pay the cost to transport the donor to the College once they are accepted into the donor program. The College will also pay the expense of cremating the accepted donor once the medical students have concluded their study. However, if the College is unable to accept the donor, the family or estate will be responsible for the costs associated with any final disposition.

Any Georgia resident 18 years of age or older may donate his or her body to the PCOM Georgia Body Donation Program. The College also honors next of kin donations. The Georgia Anatomical Gift Act permits the following persons, in order of priority, to make a donation on behalf of the deceased:

  • A healthcare agent with the power to permit an anatomical gift of the whole body under a Georgia Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
  • A spouse
  • An adult son/daughter
  • Either parent
  • An adult brother/sister
  • A grandparent
  • A guardian of the person of the decedent at the time of death (other than a guardian ad litem appointed for such purpose)
  • Any other person authorized or under obligation to arrange for final disposition of the body

No. Medical students study the body as a whole. Therefore, a donation cannot be accepted if organs or tissue have been removed.

The family or funeral home should contact the program director to notify the College of the death. At that time, the program director will confirm whether the body is suitable for donation, and will make any necessary arrangements to have the body transported to the College.

Yes. In some instances the body may not be suitable for medical study or research. The College will also decline a donation if the donor’s family objects. In addition, geographic limitations may require the College to decline the donation at the time of death.

If you are registered with the College as a donor and die outside of the State of Georgia, your family or funeral home should contact the nearest accredited medical school in that area.

The study or research conducted at our College does not determine the cause and/or manner of death. The cause and/or manner of death will be identified on the official death certificate which is signed by the medical examiner, coroner or attending physician.

In most cases, cremation will occur within 1-2 years following anatomical study. However, sometimes anatomical study may be extended beyond one year. In that case, it could take up to two years from the time of donation until the cremation.

The cremains are returned to the designated family member and/or agent of the donor.

Yes. The College conducts a memorial service to honor the donors and to thank the families. All donor families are contacted, invited and asked to participate in the memorial service. The cremains of the donors are presented to the families and/or their designated agents at this service.

Contact Info

Body Donor Program
PCOM Georgia
625 Old Peachtree Road, Suwanee, GA 30024
Phone: 678-225-7477 | Fax: 770-682-2309

Jeffrey K. Seiple
Director of PCOM Anatomical Labs and Services
Cell: 770-833-0701 | Email:


Hannah Zepplin
Anatomical Coordinator
Cell: 215-495-4644 | Email: