PCOM Celebrates Founders’ Day 2017 | January News
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PCOM Celebrates Founders’ Day 2017

January 31, 2017

PCOM's annual Founders' Day celebration included the presentations of the O.J. Snyder and Mason W. Pressly Memorial Medals during programs on the Philadelphia and Georgia campuses.

The College recently celebrated its founding with an annual ceremony recognizing those who have made significant contributions to PCOM, and to the profession of osteopathic medicine, with the O.J. Snyder Memorial Medal and the Mason W. Pressly Memorial Medals.

This year’s recipient of the Snyder Medal was Vincent G. Lobo, DO ’65. The current health commissioner of Harrington, Del. and a longtime physician there, Dr. Lobo played a vital role in expanding opportunities for osteopathic physicians in Delaware, and in helping to ensure that state (which lacks a medical school) continues to have competent, caring health professionals.

This year’s recipients of the Pressly medals were:

  • Anna Elisa Muzio (DO ’17): Muzio, a fourth-year osteopathic medical student, has served the College and the city of Philadelphia in several organizations such as Relay for Life and the Athlete Health Organization. As a Penn State undergrad, she competed in track and field, which grew an interest in orthopedic surgery.
  • Matthew Shelnutt (DO ’17): Shelnutt’s work in the community serves as a way for him to connect and to better the lives of those around him. His efforts include serving on GA-PCOM’s Diversity Council; performing health screenings and organizing health fairs within the greater Atlanta area; and mentoring first- and second-year students as an OMM fellow.

The O.J. Snyder Memorial Medal is presented in memory of the co-founder of PCOM and is the College's highest award, which recognizes leadership and service to the osteopathic profession and to the institution. The Mason W. Pressly Memorial Medal is presented to students for their outstanding achievement and service to the College, the community and the osteopathic profession. Recipients are selected by representatives of the overall College community.

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About Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

Established in 1899, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) has trained thousands of highly competent, caring physicians, health practitioners and behavioral scientists who practice a “whole person” approach to care—treating people, not just symptoms. PCOM, a private, not-for-profit accredited institution of higher education, operates three campuses (PCOM, PCOM Georgia and PCOM South Georgia) and offers doctoral degrees in clinical psychology, educational psychology, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, physical therapy, and school psychology. The college also offers graduate degrees in applied behavior analysis, applied positive psychology, biomedical sciences, forensic medicine, medical laboratory science, mental health counseling, physician assistant studies, and school psychology. PCOM students learn the importance of health promotion, research, education and service to the community. Through its community-based Healthcare Centers, PCOM provides care to medically underserved populations. For more information, visit pcom.edu or call 215-871-6100.

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